6 Incredible Ways To Stay Connected Virtually - mobilemend blog

6 Incredible Ways To Stay Connected Virtually

How To Social Distance + Stay Connected

Are you feeling a bit out of the loop socially? It’s easy to feel disconnected with our friends and family during this time of social distancing. Luckily with so many great apps at our fingertips, it’s truly never been easier to chat face to face through almost any device we may have in our homes! Move over Covid-19, because we are staying connected virtually no matter what! Keep reading along and you’ll be a pro at this whole virtual connection thing!

What You Need To Get Started Virtually Connecting

Any of the following options will work:

• A smartphone – this is the perfect go-to option that almost everyone has available to them! Extremely portable (even though most of us are just strolling around our house during this time).

• A computer – either a laptop or a desktop will work, just make sure you have a webcam of course! A nice option for a long chat, when holding up a smartphone easily becomes annoying. Let’s be honest, we’ve all dropped our phones on our face at least once!

• A tablet – perfectly portable, can easily be converted into a hands free option with the right case/ stand and you’re good to go.

• Finally, you will need to be sure you’re set up with a wifi or data connection.

The Incredible 6

Stay Connected while staying home mobilemend blog

Whatsapp  Perfect for long distance connections on your smartphone. Whatsapp is free and easy to use!  Whatsapp is one of the most popular choices for free international connections, making this our top recommendation for long distance smartphone users.

Skype Skype has been around for a long time, therefore many users are familiar with how to use it. Skype is an easy go-to option especially for computer users. Skype is a free option if both parties are using it, however there are premium features that require payment. Skype is generally preferred for computer users.

Apple Facetime Perfect for Apple to Apple devices only, Facetime is ready to go with any Apple smartphones and/or tablets. Truly a no-brainer if both the sender and the receiver use Apple products.

Google Duo Perfect for Android to Android devices. Just like Facetime, Google duo is ready to go with all Android smartphones and/or tablets. 

Another excellent app for larger groups, Zoom has a more professional structure making it our recommended app for business related chats. However, you definitely could choose either Zoom or Houseparty with friends and family. The option purely comes down to preference!


Important Note : All parties need to have these apps installed in order to use for free

Are You Going To Stay Connected Virtually?

There are tons of ways for us to stay connected. As a company based around technology,  it’s no surprise that we couldn’t wait to share these tips with everyone. 

So now all that’s left is to get comfy and make virtual memories with your friends and family! It’s that easy!

We welcome all questions you might have – give us a shout on social media, by email or give us a call at one of our shops and we’ll be happy to get you on track!

~ Morgan Xiola blogging on behalf of Mobile Mend

Morgan is a smoothie powered, social media content creator that has recently begun dipping her toes into the blogging world. Striving to create inspiring, useful content that everyone can relate to with just a few clicks.



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